Monday, January 5, 2009

Be a Go Giver

The Go-Giver

A Book by Bob Burg and John David Mann

This is a modern day parable written in such a way as to inspire you on the subject of success in business or your own personal life.

In Mentoring For free we teach that business is all about relationships. This book teaches that the greatest leader is a servant first.

The first point in the book is “the Secret”. What is that secret? “Giving!” When you are in business and someone takes one of your prospects; give the person over graciously. There is no point in fighting over someone. By giving you are setting up the universe to open the way for you to receive.

These authors have listed “Five Laws for Stratospheric Success”

Law #1The Law of Value

“Your true worth is determined by how
much more you give in value than you take in payment.”

When someone tells you they are not going to work with you but want to go another direction. Support them in the decision and even point them in another direction. It may be a competitor you suggest but this is the law of giving more in value.

Law #2 The Law of Compensation

“Your Income is determined by how many people
you serve and how well you serve them.”

So it is not just your value or anyone’s value, it is also your impact. Do you realize that building a relationship with a prospect and being a friend with them is so important that your impact can be the reason why the person follows you or not. Friends follow friends.

Law # 3 The Law of Influence

“Your influence is determined by how abundantly
you place other people’s interests first.”

You want to surround yourself with people who want you to succeed. People who are your mastermind group; people who have already been a success. Then quit keeping track of the win-win. When you go to someone and tell them they owe you something, you are keeping track. Put other people’s interests first and watch out for them. The only 100 percent win is focusing on the other person’s win.

Law #4 The Law of Authenticity.

“The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.”

The best example of this I can give was a time when I worked in an office with a supervisor who was “witch”. I was on loan to this office and my way of working was to do my best, be a positive thinking person and always kind. Every day I had to endure this woman accusing me of not getting some work done that was not my work to do. She did not listening to me as I laid out spreadsheets of figure for a Director’s meeting and explaining that part of her report was not in the total. Did she want me to make note of it or add it in? She just said to leave it. As a result she was embarrassed at the meeting as the Directors became confused as their math did not equal the total on the sheets.

She came back to the office and just yelled at me. Every night my husband would pick me up and on the way home; I would vent. He was an active listener and I felt heard and by the time we got home, I was back to my positive self. I left that office pretty quickly and went back to my own. I do no need to let someone like her rent space in my head and I work to surround myself with positive thinking people.

The point of this is not to complain about the supervisor but to point out how my husband offered himself as a sounding board for me. He took the time to really listen to me and be so generous hearing me on the drive home. That was the “valuable gift of him offering himself.”

Law # 5 The Law of Receptivity

“The key to effective giving
is to stay open to receiving”

The point is not what you do or what you accomplish; it is the person you are. So get rid of the agenda when you are talking to a prospect. Build a relationship and be a friend. The more you give and you will find receiving comes and you will be a success.

Mentoring For Free is a group of people who offer mentoring, training and education for free for anyone in any business. We are a mastermind group of people who offer you the training you need to have long life success.

If you are looking for a network business; take our training, we will show you how to evaluate a company and read the bottom line before you sign.

If you are struggling; our goal is to help you in the areas that you need help with mentoring and training and to help you build a business for lifetime success.

To get started, download the ebook “Success in 10 Step.” It is an interesting eye opening book and fun to read.


  1. Hi Betty
    Thanks so much for this acount of The GO Giver . I Loved the book and it is as you say the proper way to build a lasting business of people that trust one another
    Janice Warburton

  2. Hi Betty
    To be a "go giver" yes it is giving of ourselves for the best of everyone. Certainly and journey to pursue.
    Thank you for your evaluation of the book. Recommend to anyone.
    Take care
    Bernard Tritz

  3. HI BETTY,
    Thank You for the info...very taking to heart this info, one can truly be a mentor with a servants heart..LOVED IT..

    Linda Britt

  4. Hi Betty

    The Go Giver is one of the best books that I read last year. I highly recommend it as well to anyone who wants to have the success that they deserve in their home business.

    It's a pleasure to know you as a friend and to work with you. You are a wonderful mentor and inspiration to many people.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Judi Sheehan.

  5. HI Betty,

    This is great information not only for a business for for LIFE. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information, I'm glad to have you in my life.


  6. I really felt this as one of the best books I have read in a long-time.
    Todd Bobal

  7. Thank you for a great article. This is absolutely vital information for anyone wanting to succeed in life.
